Advancements in Artificial Intelligence for Science

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Due Date: May 21, 2024

Agency: Not Specified

Source: Federal

Funding Category:


Funding Amount: $7,050,000

Funding Type: Cooperative Agreement

Match Required: Yes

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The Department of Energy (DOE) through its Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program, is showing an interest in conducting research on the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for science. They are seeking advancement in AI technology that can aid in the development of several components such as foundation models for computational science, automated scientific lab flows, scientific programming, scientific knowledge management systems, privacy respecting AI training, and energy-efficient AI algorithms and hardware.

The intended goal is to apply innovative AI techniques to various scientific domains, which could speed up progress, increase the transparency of scientific research, and unlock new areas for exploration. AI is recognised as a game-changer in advancing scientific discovery and innovation. While aspects of the scientific method like observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and analysis remain consistent, the DOE acknowledges the potential of abundant data, high-performance computing, power-saving algorithms, and AI-related technologies for enhancing scientific research.

Applications for this research stretch across multiple fields such as climate science, cybersecurity, biotechnology, disaster response and even electric grid stability. National priorities require AI advancements in areas like real-time anomaly detection, control strategies for complex systems, physical system design, and decision-support. The ASCR's focus is to drive these developments while redefining the scientific method for accelerated discovery and innovation.

Achieving this next phase of AI for science will need innovation in both AI hardware and algorithms. Future scientific workflows are predicted to use machine learning and natural language processing to bolster data analysis and numerical modelling. DOE's high-end supercomputers will be able to support large-scale AI training and a mix of AI, modelling, simulation and data analytics with great precision.

The ASCR's stated objectives align with other national AI research strategies that outline the path towards realizing AI's full potential for science and related fields. By addressing a multitude of research priorities, the ASCR aims to enable AI that is capable, trustworthy, and applicable to a variety of scientific tasks, thereby boosting human understanding and fulfilling national needs. Additional resources are available in the form of memorandum and executive orders on AI Research and Development, as well as an in-depth look into the ASCR's supercomputers.

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Key Dates

Open Date: February 13, 2024

Application Due Date: May 21, 2024

Estimated Award Date: Not Specified

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Eligible Activities

  • Research and Development

Eligible Applicants

  • Unrestricted

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