Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) - Lebanon

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Key Information

Due Date: April 25, 2024

Agency: Not Specified

Source: Federal

Funding Category:

Arts Recreation & Culture

Funding Amount: $500,000

Funding Type: Grant

Match Required: Yes

Contact Info:
For inquiries


The U.S. Department of State established the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) for Lebanon in 2001 at the request of Congress. The purpose of the AFCP is to showcase an alternative image of America to other countries that is not commercial, political, or military, but geared towards the preservations of cultural heritage.

The AFCP Grants Program is aimed at preserving a wide range of cultural heritage, which includes archaeological sites, historical buildings and monuments, museum collections, and traditional forms of cultural expression like indigenous languages and crafts.

The project activities that are eligible for receiving this grant include:

1. Anastylosis, which involves reassembling a site using the original parts.

2. Restoration, which involves replacing missing parts to recreate the original appearance of an object or site, this is typically suitable for fine arts, decorative arts, and historic buildings.

3. Conservation, addressing any damage or wear to an object or site.

4. Stabilization involving reducing the physical disturbance of an object or site.

5. Inventory, which entails forming a list of objects, sites, or traditions based on location, feature, age, or any other unique characteristic or state.

6. Consolidation, which involves connecting or reconnecting the elements of an object or site.

7. Documentation, which involves recording in analog or digital format the condition and prominent features of an object, site, or tradition.

8. Preventive Conservation, which covers addressing conditions that threaten or damage a site, object, collection, or tradition.

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Key Dates

Open Date: November 7, 2023

Application Due Date: April 25, 2024

Estimated Award Date: Not Specified

Additional Details

Eligible Activities

  • Community Engagement

Eligible Applicants

  • State governments
  • City, village or township governments
  • Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
  • Private institutions of higher education

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