Workplace Equity for Persons with Disabilities in STEM and STEM Education

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Key Information

Due Date: September 17, 2024

Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Source: Federal

Funding Category:

Workforce Development & Education

Funding Amount: $5,000,000

Funding Type: Grant

Match Required: No

Contact Info:
If you have any problems linking to this funding announcement, please contact the email address above.


The Division of Equity for Excellence in STEM in the Directorate for STEM Education is responsible for a grant titled Workplace Equity for Persons with Disabilities in STEM and STEM Education. Its goal is to improve STEM workplaces and postsecondary education for disabled individuals by encouraging research into diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility. This research may involve identifying barriers and solutions, studying intersectionality, or translating findings into actionable approaches.

The grant proposal should concentrate on one or more themes: examining barriers and solutions, applying intersectional perspectives to investigate limiting conditions or improve settings, and conducting research that is solution-oriented.

The proposal must also address essential design details. This includes involving researchers, experts, and organizations with genuine disability experiences, identifying the specific disability type(s) studied, and specifying the STEM or STEM education workplaces and postsecondary settings involved. Additionally, the proposal should use theoretical or conceptual frameworks, necessitating strong research designs, methodologies, and data analysis. It should also include a plan to measure the project's success and a plan for the accessible dissemination of knowledge and practice outcomes.

Grant applications must be in line with the project's maturity level and the size and scope of the activities involved. Research proposals may request up to $1.5 million and last up to five years, but these needs must be justified within the project description.

The grant also invites submissions for Synthesis projects, a specific type of research proposal that may command up to $600,000 over three years.

Moreover, the funding invite extends to Conferences, EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER), and Rapid Response Research (RAPID). Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) are also encouraged.

For more details about each type of proposal, review the Program Description in Section II of the solicitation.

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Key Dates

Open Date: May 20, 2023

Application Due Date: September 17, 2024

Estimated Award Date: Not Specified

Additional Details

Eligible Activities

  • Research and Development

Eligible Applicants

  • Unrestricted

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